Cinta Senese… did you know?

Only in Siena is it possible to immerse yourself in the ancient flavor of meats and sausages of Cinta Senese.

Only in Siena is it possible to immerse yourself in the ancient flavor of meats and sausages of Cinta Senese, an ancient pig breed that until a few years ago was in danger of extinction and which today provides extraordinarily tasty and high value products dietary as rich in Omega 3 and good cholesterol.


The Cinta Senese takes its name from the white band that stands out on the black coat of the animal (like a sort of belt, “cinta” in italian means belt) and from the area of ​​origin: the Montagnola Senese, a mountainous relief a few steps from Siena. From these places, the breed then spread to the wooded areas of the neighboring provinces, particularly in Arezzo and Grosseto.


The Cinta still today must be bred in the wild or semi-wild, in large fenced areas, where the woods alternate with some clearings, so as to guarantee the right nutrition based mainly on acorns, tubers, roots and and organic material of the soil, which gives its meat unique flavor and characteristics.

Which one?

Sapidity and succulence: the meat is redder and tastier than the other pork.

Best dietary qualities due to the higher concentration of unsaturated fatty acids, in particular from the Omega 3 and Omega 6 series.

His lard is richer in oleic acid (what, to understand, keeps cholesterol away) and polyunsaturated fatty acids than the traditional one.

The fat is less consistent and more fluid, therefore much more pleasant on the palate, which also guarantees excellent aromatic characteristics in the production of sausages.

Try our selection of Cinta cured meats, inevitable on the menu of our Taverna del Patriarca … mouth-watering!


Notice to customers

We kindly inform you that La Taverna del Patriarca will be closed from January 27th to February 6th included.

We wait you from Friday February 7th!

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