Discover the excellence of wellness and good food in Tuscany.
Our hotel has 22 rooms, two restaurants and a large park with swimming pool.

Park & Swimming Pool

A large park with swimming pool, the hotel, restaurants and large banquet rooms make Villa il Patriarca the ideal location for a thousand occasions

22 rooms, from the most traditional Classic rooms to our Suites finished with stucco and damasksi

Patriarca's Restaurants

Each dish is a story born of passion

We have two restaurants: “I Salotti”, managed by the chef Katia Maccari and “La Taverna”, informal Trattoria full of Tuscan tradition

Weddings & Catering

We have various rooms, a large park with swiming pool and Michelin Star Cuisine are ideal for both the most intimate of anniversaries and for great ceremonies

Meetings & Congress

We have three solutions set up for meetings and conferences, ideal for 350, 30 and 8 people

Online magazine of Villa Il Patriarca

Stay up to date on new activities, experiences in the world of catering and wellness.

What our guests say about us

The satisfaction of our guests’ needs, their opinions and criticisms are essential for us, in order to be able to improve every day.

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